AmeriSpeak is NORC at the University of Chicago’s Panel-Based Research Platform

AmeriSpeak Federal

AmeriSpeak® Federal delivers the highest response rate probability panel in the country to U.S. government sponsors, which depend on exceptional data quality to carry out their missions. Several large federal clients—including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Department of Defense, the Internal Revenue Service, and the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs, DHHS — already rely on AmeriSpeak when they need a comprehensive, nationally representative panel tailored for their requirements. 

See our Guide for Obtaining OMB Approval for best practices in using AmeriSpeak for information collections involving OMB review.

Key factors ensure AmeriSpeak Federal’s industry-leading panel response rate, which is the highest in the United States among commercially available probability panels. AmeriSpeak Federal’s rigorous recruitment process includes multiple mailings and engages 40 percent of initial non-respondents with in-person, face-to-face field recruiting. Depending on their preference, panelists invited to AmeriSpeak Federal surveys are contacted through email, follow-up postcards, SMS texts, and telephone calls. 

Our follow-up strategies also secure respondents who are more likely to be low income, young, non-white, and less educated—groups that are underrepresented in most surveys.

With our proven ability to field surveys in as little as two weeks, AmeriSpeak Federal offers an ideal panel for researchers to quickly collect information needed for surveillance research that informs congressionally mandated studies and policymaking.

The AmeriSpeak Federal Panel also offers the following features:

  • Multi-mode data collection that enables panelists to complete the interview online, by phone, or with in-person field staff

  • A panel support team that provides customer service to panelists and assures privacy

  • Interviewers who take into consideration the varied backgrounds of America and are sensitive to concerns about respondent confidentiality

  • A team of NORC experts in survey methodology and statistics, with experience developing high-quality federal, foundational, and academic research

For more information on using AmeriSpeak Federal for your next study, please contact